I finally had a chance to crochet one of the Bonnets from the 1973 "Woman's Day Granny Squares" magazine supplement. At the time I posted the Tyrol Hat pattern, some of you requested that I post this one as well. So, here goes. It is very straightforward and I like how it came out. I have not made the eight little bobbles that go along the front rim, but they seem very easy to make and stitch in place. My dear Miriam very patiently modeled the bonnet, although I think the pattern would be best for a smaller girl.
Size: Fits 19" head.
Materials: Knitting worsted, 2 ounces main color (color A), 1 ounce each B and C. Aluminum crochet hook size G, or size required to crochet to gauge.
Gauge: Each square measures 4.5".
Squares: Make 4. Starting at center with A, ch 6. Join with sl st to form ring.
Rnd 1: (right side): Ch 3, 2 dc in ring, (ch 1, 3 dc in ring) 3 times; ch 1; join with sl st to top of ch-3. Break off. ALways work with right side facing you and crochet over ends of yarn to hide them.
Rnd 2: Attach B with sl st to any ch-1 sp, ch 3, in same sp work 2 dc, ch 1 and 3 dc (first corner made), * ch 1, in next ch-1 sp work 3 dc, ch 1 and 3 dc (another corner made). Repeat from * twice more; ch 1; join with sl st to top of ch-3. Break off.
Rnd 3: Attach C to any corner sp and work a first corner in same sp, * ch 1, 3 dc in next sp (shell made), ch 1, work corner in next corner sp. Repeat from * twice more; ch 1, shell in next sp, ch 1; join. Break off.
Rnd 4: Attach A in any corner sp and work a first corner in same sp, * (ch 1, shell in next sp) twice; ch 1, work corner in next corner sp. Repeat from * twice more; (ch 1, shell in next sp) twice; ch 1; join. Break off.
Finishing: With right sides up, sew 3 squares in a row through top lps only. This forms sides and top of bonnet. Sew 4th square for back.
Edging: With A, work 1 sc in each st and in each seam around (94 sc); join. ( MY NOTE: start this at one of the corners where a tie will go.)
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, decreasing 6 sts, as evenly spaced as possible, along back edge only (47 st on front, 41 st on back).
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, decreasing 4 sts, evenly spaced, along front edge and 6 sts, evenly spaced, along back edge; join.
Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, decreasing 4 sts along front edge and 6 sts along back edge (39 sts on front edge, 29 sts on back edge). Do not break off. Ch 41 for tie, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each chain across; with right side facing you, sc in each sc across back edge, ch 41 for 2nd tie, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; sl st in bonnet. Break off.
Bobbles: Make 8. With C, ch 2, work 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook, ch 1, turn.
Rows 2 through 4: Sc in each sc across; ch 1, turn.
Row 5: (Insert hook in next sc, pull yarn through) 5 times; yarn over hook and pull through all 6 lps on hook. Break off. Thread end in tapestry needle and run through edges of bobbles; pull tight. Sew on front edging as shown in photograph.