Two days of snow. And it is still coming down. Another storm forecast for tomorrow night.
Inside a lot. Cabin fever? Being shut in makes me investigate my internal dialogues more closely. Wondering what is enough. Enough material comfort. Enough love. Enough success.
There is so often too much here in the United States. I am overwhelmed by excess. Just this morning my mother bemoaned her feelings of distress upon entering a K-Mart earlier this week: too much stuff, too much needless, poorly-made stuff. I would also say that Americans, amid our great material comforts, often worry excessively about security, or the sense of a lack there of. (Elizabeth posted this, which points to our conflicted culture.)
Excess and overload. Here is what the Tao Te Ching says:
Hold to these principles: Seek simplicity, grasp the essential, overcome selfishness and wasteful desires.
Great trouble comes from not knowing what is enough. Great conflict arises from wanting too much. When we know when enough is enough, there will always be enough.
Painting and sewing animals. Wondering how I might combine these two?