My children are on school break.
Passover began yesterday evening. We had 15 people for our seder. A very nice time, after days of preparation.
Our public library's annual used book sale is this coming Friday and Saturday. I am very involved in organizing this event. Today we moved two moving trucks full of boxes of books to the school gymnasium. We unload and set up over the next two days. Hard work, but good work. And it is very satisfying work for a book lover.
I apologize if I owe you an email, and for being a bit absent from my usual blog reading.
I've been busy.
Many years I find myself in July, wondering what happened to those lovely months of April, May, and June. These are often months full of activity. I am committing myself to a mindful appreciation of spring this year. Yes, this week is a busy one, but I am going to stop and notice and be present.