Warm temperatures. Thunder storms. Daffodils in the garden. Wildflowers along the trail in the woods. I think spring is settling in.
I purchased this Peterson's Field Guide to Birds' Nests at the library book sale last week. I am enjoy looking through the pages at the wide variety of nesting that birds do. What a leap of faith for these birds to leave such fragile packages among the branches of trees and brush, or even on the ground. I guess it is the same leap of faith that we humans take when we have a baby. I believe that pregnancy and parenting are such practices in letting go. Letting go of control. Letting go of preconceived notions of how things should be. These are not always easy lessons. And they can bring both great joy and terrible heartbreak.
I made a couple more linen and wool wading birds. I think I will make a flamingo next. I have some beautiful pink hand-dyed wool and pink linen. I am also working out some patterns for butterflies. I see the wings as opportunities for embroidery. These are my spring projects.