I have been doing a lot of stitching (tiny stitches!) these last couple of weeks. I wanted to post these photos a few days ago, but both my desk top and lap top were in the shop for repair. I was amazed at how often I had the impulse to use a computer. I had to make due primarily with my iphone, which is really not as easy to view things on as a full screen.
I plan to put some of these figures in my etsy shop. I recently added a number of other things, animals and mushrooms.
I'm sure the rest of you have been thinking about Nelson Mandela this week. He was such a courageous man who truly changed history. I think about his prolonged imprisonment and wonder what that must have felt like. Did he know the impact his life would have on the other side of it all? We just don't know how things will play out in the future. We must simply do our best, and make the best choices we can, in this moment. It is all we have. Obama and all of our living former heads of state are headed for South Africa. I love the image of them all together, but wish that the rest of our leaders could come together in common purpose as well.
Thank you for reading, and looking at my work.
❀ Maribeth